dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

The Windows

It's a metfamily of a opening system for personal computers. It was realesed in 1985. Before that the computers didn't have an special system. This system let you do the things faster. By the 21th centrury the system were updating as the computers were doing the same. Then, the window 7 was invented. Its a very poupular windows version that actually a lot of cumputer has. Eventually in the last few years, windows 8 was realesed by Microsolft corporation and suddenly the computers were all in this version. Finally in the last year window 10 was realesed, but the computers isn't in theversion yet.

dimarts, 2 de juny del 2015


The web gives me information of personality of the Scorpio. The most important are that we can fulfill
an organizing function, our attitude are decisive and we have ability to concentrate profoundly on
our projects. I agree with it because the most of them I can do. 
It true that my projects depend almost on my emotional State, because sometimes I’m bored, so the project that I do I disliked
it and I don’t do it good. And I also need to control the thing that i work in.
My opinion are directs and I become very angry when I’m deceived and
I’m utterly short with the person. I lose my patience very easily. 
I always wants to know, learn and investigate about the things that I don’t know. 
But I don’t like to teach others. I also like the secrets of nature and to investigate profound subjects.
It’s right that I have jealousy, tendency to manipulate and to control everything and I have to control it.
My extreme and inflexible attitudes cause me to lose, but no change, it's difficullt for me to change. I usually avoid the violence, selfishness and tendency to be destructive.

So,  I agree with almost all the thing that the web said.